Our Guarantee.

  • We will use various marketing tools to market your property

  • We will make every effort to find tenants that meet your requirements to minimise vacancy periods

  • We will use proven systems to minimise arrears and rent loss

  • We will adhere to current legislation and industry rules

  • We will provide 24/7 customer service

Let's Talk

Marketing Your Property for Lease.

We will place a listing for your property on our website and all websites that work well in the designated area. Each listing will include at least 5 photos to promote your property.

Your property will be accurately described and advertised (as mutually agreed between us). We will conduct an unlimited number of private viewings of your property until the property is leased (subject to access provided to us by any current occupant).

If required, we will update you on the status of your available property and provide you with regular communication until the property is leased.

Leasing Your Property.

All information and references provided by tenancy applicants will be actioned by us within 1 working day of receipt

All successful tenancy applicants will be credit checked, reference and complete background checked.

If you require, all potentially suitable tenancy applications will be referred to you for a decision

We will lease your property for the rent agreed between us (or higher if the market justifies it) and the property will not be leased for a lower amount without your approval

Subject to the tenancy commencement date and the tenant's availability, we will prepare the tenancy documentation within 2 working days of tenancy approval

Rent Collection.

We have a zero tolerance rent arrears policy. We will follow up all rent payments in accordance with:

  • Our fully documented arrears process

  • The requirements of the Residential Tenancies Act

  • We will contact you to seek your instructions regarding possible termination of the tenancy if required

  • Should termination of the tenancy be necessary, we will keep you informed throughout the process

Rent Monies.

All monies received by us, less fee and disbursements, will be banked into your nominated bank account twice monthly.

Repairs and Maintenance.

All non-urgent repair requests from tenants will be actioned within 2 working days of receipt.

We will not arrange any repairs to your property without your knowledge and approval for all maintenance greater than your pre-approved disbursement level (unless the repair is defined as "urgent" under the Residential Tenancies Act).

We will attend to any "urgent" repair requests within 4 hours of receipt.

All reasonable steps will be taken to obtain the best pricing for your repairs and maintenance.

We will only use appropriate qualified trades people for any repairs or maintenance work to your property.


We will complete routine inspections of your property every 13 weeks, and provide you with a detailed report of each visit, including photos and any maintenance requirements.

We will complete comprehensive in-going and out-going inspections at the beginning and end of each tenancy.

Vacating Tenants.

On receipt of a notice to vacate, we will:

  • Confirm the details in writing to both you and the tenant

  • List the property on our website and put the agreed advertising plan into effect within 2 working days

  • Prepare all necessary "end of tenancy" documentation

  • Arrange access for viewings by prospective tenants

  • A vacating inspection will be completed at the end of a tenancy

  • After the tenant vacates the property we will:

    • Process the tenant's bond refund within 4 working days; and

    • Make deductions from the bond if necessary and apply to Tribunal if required

Property Outgoings & Rent Statements.

All agreed property outgoings will be paid on your behalf before the due date (subject to availability of funds)

Your rent statement will be sent to you at the end of each month

Prepare End of Year Financial Statements for each property

General Communication.

Our office hours are 9.00 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Friday

We will respond to all correspondence within 1 working day

We will promptly advise you of anything that affects your property or the tenancy.


Tenant complaints received in writing (letter, email) will be acknowledged within 1 working day

All complaints will be formally recorded and responded to within 2 working days

Professional Standards.

The highest standards of honesty, integrity and professional practice will be conducted in compliance with the Code of Ethics of the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand


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