COVID-19 Level 2 Private Viewing Pre-Registration and Acknowledgement Form for Buyers and Prospective Tenants

Prior to attending the private viewing of the property that you have booked with First National Real Estate, we require you to complete this form while New Zealand is at COVID-19 Level 2/3
This information you provide may be passed to the Ministry of Health if requested to assist with COVID-19 contact tracing.

Please review the following government requirements for your viewing. By completing this form you are agreeing to the terms below:

  • Ten people maximum to attend a viewing only 
  • Ensure physical distancing is maintained at all times
  • Attendees to wait in their vehicles until salesperson advises they can enter, to ensure that there is no contact between attendees
  • Remove shoes at the entry of the property (recommend socks)
  • The salesperson (wearing gloves) will open any doors/cupboards/check any taps etc on behalf of attendees. This is a non-contact viewing
  • Those feeling unwell, or who have travelled overseas recently, are self-isolating or have been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 may not enter the property and will contact the salesperson to reschedule the appointment
  • High-risk people should consider not attending viewings (e.g. those over 70 or with existing medical conditions)
  • Our salesperson will have hand sanitiser available for your use on entry and exit

If you do begin to feel unwell within 14 days of attending this viewing you agree to contact us on 04 477 6177 or via our website at

Registration Type – drop down menu (select one)
Name of person who will be attending the viewing
Name of person who will be attending the viewing
(so we can reply with appt time)
(second point of contact)
Address of the person who will be attending the viewing
Address of Property for viewing, visit, permission or appraisal: If applicable, Date & Time of viewing:
confirm that I have read, understand and agree to all the points listed at the top of this page
Please confirm your consent to us sharing this information to any Government or Medical Authority should they request this information in the future